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Welcome to Year 3's Class Page!

My name is Miss Shaw and I have the great pleasure of teaching Year 3 again this year! I am looking forwards to an exciting year of learning with the children supported by Miss Riley. 

On this page you will find lots of useful information and photographs of the exciting things we get up to in class. It will also be updated regularly with class news and links to websites you may find useful to support your child's learning.

The Knowledge Organisers will give you an idea about what your child will be learning in each subject. This provides a great opportunity to have a discussion with your child about what they are learning.

Should you have any questions, worries or concerns, please do not hesitate to come in and see me or email me. I look forward to working in partnership with you to help your child achieve their best. 


Year 3 Information

School Day: Magic Breakfast is served at 8:35am.  Registration takes place at 8:45am. At the end of the day, Year 3 will be dismissed at 3.15pm and exit through the Year 3 door. 

P.E: Year 3 will have P.E lessons every Monday and Friday. Your child should come to school dressed in their P.E kits on these days. P.E kit should be a plain white top, plain black bottoms and a plain black jacket or school jumper. Earrings can not be worn during PE lessons. 

Reading: Please support your child to develop their reading skills by hearing your child read at least three times a week. Talk about their book and ask questions to develop their understanding. Please ensure you write a comment in the reading record each time you hear your child read in order for your child to be entered into our weekly Reading Raffle. 

Spellings: 15 spellings will be sent home fortnightly on Mondays and should be practiced regularly at home. Children will be tested on these every other Monday in our Year 3 Spelling Check. 

Times Tables Rockstars: Each child has their own login to Times Tables Rockstars which allows them to practice their times tables skills. Please access the website at least 3 times per week. Year 3 have a Times Tables check every Friday.

Year 3 Long Term Plan

Year 3 Age-Related Expectations

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