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Intent: English National Curriculum

Implementation: English at St. Bridget's


We believe that the ability to read fluently is the doorway to almost all other learning. Consequently, learning to read and then reading regularly and widely is at the heart of our curriculum design. At St. Bridget’s we use synthetic phonics programme "Little Wandle" to support our Early reading alongside guided reading incorporating phonics, vocabulary, prosody and comprehension across EYFS and KS1. This is supported by "Big Cat" phonically decodable books. In KS2 we use "VIPERS" and “Book talk” to structure our reading lessons and create an effective whole school reading curriculum. Book talk combines reading fluency and comprehension with tier 2 language to help children prepare for life-long learning. Big Cat readers are also used in KS2 as home readers to provide a consistent approach and aid transition from KS1.

Should children require additional support, we may use Read Write inc, Dandelion readers and Project X as a form of intervention.  We foster a ‘we love reading’ ethic alongside regular interactive reading sessions, focusing on ways to teach the mechanics of reading and the magic of the written word.

Reading for pleasure is modelled by staff and is a special time of the day when all children listen to a range of genres read aloud.

Weekly draws to win a book from our book vending machine are extremely popular, this encourages children to complete their power of three pledge (read at least three times a week at home) and also appeals to the more competitive learner as does the use of Reading plus in UKS2.


At St. Bridget’s we use “The Write Stuff” to cover our writing requirements. This approach combines grammar teaching and writing composition in well-paced, bite-sized chunks which are highly didactic. Closely modelled sessions with a sharp focus, underpinned by success criteria ensure all children can achieve while “deepening the moment” provides challenge and extra opportunities for creativity.

Writing is focused using three lenses The ideas lens from the children’s perspective is known as the FANTASTICs that captures the nine ideas for writing. The grammar lens is known as the GRAMMARISTICs and the technique lens are known as the BOOMTASTICs.

The lesson is split into “learning chunks”. Each “learning chunk” has three distinct parts for a writing lesson; Initiate, Model, EngageInitiate is a time to inspire pupils. This needs to be short but effective. Model is the bridge between ideas gathering and articulating the thought processes of a writer at work. Engage is the opportunity for pupils to showcase what they can do within particular writing parameters The Purpose of this type of lesson is to help pupils remember, build on prior learning, to scaffold ideas and to practice key aspects.

Children are encouraged to write creatively and showcase their learning at the end of each unit.

Spelling and Grammar

Spelling in KS2 is supported by The Spelling Book programme, which is an evidence based programme created by Jane Considine. 

The Spelling Book is not a scheme, it’s more a way of teaching spelling that relies on teachers to bring the ‘wonder of words’ to life. The Spelling Books provide structure and support to teachers whilst allowing enough room for creativity, ensuring that all National Curriculum fundamentals are covered. The Spelling Book system exceeds all expectations around making the teaching of spelling effective, and ‘stick-able', for children.

All of the concepts, activities and tasks within the books have been designed to increase ‘stickability’ and retention of vocabulary. The system is built on strong phonic foundations and includes a range of deep exploratory investigations, alongside short-burst ‘chunked’ revision activities.

The year view of detailed provision for Year 2 ensures pupils have a good understanding of the wealth of content within the books and they are able to self assess and monitor their own strengths and weaknesses in spelling. Through using the quality materials and comprehensive guidance within The Spelling Book, children will develop expertise and fluency.

Grammar is supported through the Nelson Grammar scheme and embedded via writing lessons

Impact of the English Curriculum

  • Children leave St. Bridget's with a love of reading. They are able to reference a wide range of different authors, from different literary traditions and genres. 
  • Children leave St. Bridget's with a love of writing. They should be able to express their opinions and their creativity in writing that is well structured, clear, technically accurate and interesting to read. 
  • Children leave St. Bridget's able to express their opinions verbally; to understand how to engage – and disagree – with others clearly and articulately. 
  • Children leave St. Bridget's having made the best possible progress as a result of consistent, Quality First Teaching and (where appropriate) additional interventions. 
  • Children leave St. Bridget's confident to try new things, experiment with their writing, take risks, and continue to expand their experience of reading. 
  • Children leave St. Bridget's feeling that their efforts were valued and their opinions heard. That they have had a chance to find their ‘voice’ and were encouraged to use it. 
  • Children leave St. Bridget's ready for their next stage of learning and high aspirations for their future.

English Policies

Curriculum Links

Reading and writing permeates throughout the whole of our curriculum. We are aware of the need to be able to write for a range of purposes and audiences. This is particularly captured through our writing opportunities in Come and See, History and Geography where the children can showcase their learning in these subjects using a range of different genre. 

Celebrating English at St Bridget's

Useful Websites - click on images

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