The intent of Computing at St.Bridget’s is to ensure that children are exposed to a broad, balanced and differentiated Computing curriculum which is adapted to suit the needs of all children in our school. We strive to support children in becoming creative, independent learners and ensure they develop a healthy relationship with technology. At St.Bridget’s we value and recognise the contribution technology can make for the benefit of all pupils, staff, governors and society. We ensure that children are provided with safe opportunities in Computing to motivate, inspire and raise standards across the curriculum. Everyone in the St.Bridget’s community will be equipped with the digital skills needed to prepare them for a future in an ever-changing world.
We intend to ensure that all pupils:
- Can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
- Can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
- Can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
- Are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.
- Know how to keep safe while using a range of technology.
At St.Bridget’s, Computing is taught through half-termly units where the children have access to a wide range of hardware beginning with iPads in KS1 and working up to Chromebooks and Laptops in KS2. The Computing Curriculum is carefully mapped out to ensure that pupils acquire knowledge, vocabulary and skills in a well-thought out and progressive manner.
At St Bridget’s we use the Knowsley City Learning Sites scheme to support our delivery of the Computing curriculum including E-Safety.
The Computing curriculum is divided into three areas:
Digital Literacy – Underlines the knowledge and skills relating to online safety and technology in society.
Computer Science – Underlines the knowledge and skills relating to computational thinking, coding, algorithms and networks.
Information Technology – Underlines the knowledge and skills relating to digital communication, creating multimedia content and data representation/handling.
Pupils will also develop their essential Computing skills throughout the curriculum ensuring that pupils have the core basic skills to use multiple devices, this is designed to promote independence.
The intended impact of the Computing curriculum is that the majority of each year group has made progress.
In addition, it is the intended impact that the children:
- are inspired by the Computing curriculum and want to learn more.
- show progression in their skills, knowledge and understanding through their work.
- can discuss their learning and remember what they have learnt.
- can identify key vocabulary and what these words mean.
Computing Long Term Plan
Computing National Curriculum
Computing Policy
Curriculum Links
As well as teaching computing lessons weekly, there are also lots of opportunities to link computing skills and knowledge in other areas.
These areas include but are not limited to:
Cross curricular research in all subjects
History and Geography - using a range of maps to see change over time. Virtually travelling the world and exploring historical sites eg inside a pyramid in Egypt.
Art and DT - exploring graphics and creating images digitally. The use of digital camera/iPad cameras and stop animation.
Maths - Use of calculators, excel, and logical problem solving
English - Spell checkers, word processing creating books.
Music - Use of garage band to create a music festival