Music at St Bridget's
At St Bridget's we value music education. We believe that for pupils to make progress in music, it starts from the assumption that a central purpose of good music education is for pupils to make more music, think more musically and consequently become more musical.
Our curriculum is designed so that content might reasonably be mastered in the time aviliable, remembering that sometimes less is more. There are plentiful opportunities for piupils to return to consolidate their short-term learning. There is repetition of key curricular content with the gradual introduction of new ideas, methods and concepts.
It is our intention to help children to feel that they are musical and to develop a life long love of music. We focus on developing the skills, knowledge and understanding that children need in order to become confident performers, composers and listeners. Our curriculum intorduces children to music from all around the world and across generations, teaching children to respect and appreciate the music of all traditions and communities.
Children will dveelop the musical skills of singing, playing tuned and untuned instruments, improvising and composing music, and listening listening and responding to music. They will develop an understanding of the history and cultural context of the music that they listen to and learn how music can be written down. Through music, our curriculum helps children develop transferable skills such as team working, leadership, creative thining, problem solving, decisioin making, and presentation and perfoormance skills. These skills are vital to children's development as learners and have a wider application in their general lives outside and beyond school.
Primary Music National Curriculum
Progression Documents
Music Provider
Our music curriculum is delivered by specialist Fran Sixsmith from Medley music

Fran has delivered quality music provision in Primary schools since 2007 and founded Medley Music for Schools Ltd in 2017.
Previously Fran worked for Accent Music Education hub as a music tutor and training & marketing manager, Fran also ran the Yamaha Music School based in Warrington delivering music to students. It was an immense source of pride for her to help children, young people and adults to pass the Trinity College Keyboard examinations.
Fran won the Classic FM Peripatetic/Private Music Teacher of the Year Award in 2011. The awards recognise and reward those teachers who have made a real life difference to the musical life of young people.
Fran is proud to have gained awards in the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music in piano and a Diploma of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, but is most proud of seeing the progression and performance of Children on their musical journey.
Music is at the heart of our assemblies at St Bridget's. Fran plays live music during assemblies every Friday and the children are given opportunities to listen and respond to a wide range of music from different times, cultures and traditions from a variety of famous composers.
Wider Opportunities for Music at St Bridget's
- Peace Proms: Peace Proms engages children and young people in music and enriches their lives through exceptional musical experiences and performances.
- Guitar Lessons: Pupils have received taster sessions in individual guitar lessons and haev been given the opportunity to have tuition in school.
- Ukulele Lessons: Whole class ukulele lessons are in place for Y5 in the Summer Term.
- School performances: Children have the opportunity to perform in a variety of school plays infront of big audiences.
- AmaSing Arts: St Bridget's won an arts competition and gained a musical experience from AmaSing Arts. The children played instruments, learned dances and songs to create a whole school performance. Please see the video on the 'Art' page.
- Choir club: Fran has ran an after school club for children with a love of singing. The choir would often perform in assembly and other events.