Key attributes for our mathematicians:
- Curiosity to make mathematical statements and investigate them
- The ability to reason and problem solve about mathematics
- Have a good understanding of all the different concrete materials and 'choose to use' them to help with independent work
- A good understanding of the correct mathematical vocabulary correctly and the ability to use it effectively to explain ideas, thinking and solutions
- Resilience to be able to see the challenge of overcoming mistakes as important and exciting steps to learning and discovery
- Perseverance in finding an answer by trying different strategies until the correct answer is found
- Fluency in number bonds and times tables
- The ability to make links and apply basic maths skills to all areas of the curriculum and beyond
At St. Bridget’s we want all our children to be motivated to learn by a rich, creative enjoyable curriculum related to their needs and the wider requirements of society. Our intention is to develop and provide a broad and high quality Maths curriculum which promotes competence and confidence across all areas of Mathematics. In our work in Mathematics at St. Bridget’s we are always striving for excellence and want to inspire children to do the same. Please see the policies below for more detail.
We ensure that we implement the objectives of the National Curriculum for maths through our long term plan (which you can access below). We teach maths through blocks of learning which are revisited and built on year by year to provide our children with a cohesive sequence of learning which ensures progress. Throughout our teaching we implement reasoning and problem solving as well as teaching clearly sequenced vocabulary. The knowledge organisers (found on a seperate tab on the left) provide further detail about what your child will be taught in each block.
Children at St Bridget's love maths. This attitude shines through whenever we talk to children about maths.
Children leave St Bridget's with a firm grasp of the fundamental skills of maths: understanding of place value and confidence with calculation. This is done through rigorous daily teaching of these basic skills.
Revisiting learning from previous topics and previous years helps children to make links and remember more.
Children are able to apply the mathematical knowledge they have learnt to solving problems.
We provide a level of challenge to motivate all learners in the class from children who may need additional support to our most capable mathematicians.
Curriculum links
As well as teaching maths lessons every day, there are also lots of opportunities to link our teaching of maths to other subjects.
In science children record and interpret data they have collected in tables.
Geography allows children the opportunity to look at maps using compass readings. Children are able to give clear and accurate directions using mathematical language.
In art children use geometric shapes while their DT work requires precise measurements of length, width and angles.
Useful websites
Below are some websites you might find useful to help your child develop their maths skills outside of school.
Times Tables Rockstars - practise your tables in a fun competetive way
Numbots - a game for KS1 children to learn addition and subtraction facts in a competitive and engaging way
Topmarks - a whole range of games for all ages covering the maths curriculum
BBC KS1 - a range of teaching tools and games for year 1 and year 2
BBC KS2 - a range of teaching tools and games for years 3, 4, 5 and 6