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Intent: English National Curriculum

Implementation: English at St. Bridget's



At St. Bridget’s we use synthetic phonics programme "Little Wandle" to support our Early reading alongside guided reading incorporating phonics, vocabulary, prosody and comprehension across EYFS and KS1. This is supported by "Big Cat" phonically decodable books.

In KS2 we use a whole class reading approach to explore high quality texts and develop the children's comprehension skills.

Children with SEND are incorporated as part of whole class teaching and receive first quality teaching. They will also receive interventions and/or after school boosters to ensure they are on track.

Below is our long term plans for reading.


At St. Bridget’s we use  the Pathways scheme to cover our writing requirements. This approach places high quality texts at the core of our teaching and children develop theri skills as writers drawing inspirations from these beautiful texts.

Below is our writing plan.

Spelling and Grammar

We also use the "Pathways" scheme to teach spellings. We teach spelling patterns as well as words from the statutory lists for Key Stage 2 which you can find below.

Impact of the English Curriculum

  • Children leave each key stage well prepared with the skills and knowledge they need.
  • At St Bridget's we encourage our children to be life-long readers

Celebrating English at St Bridget's

Useful Websites - click on images

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